ACCEPTED LIST (currently 103 species)
Nepenthes adnata R.Tamin & M.Hotta ex J.Schlauer (1994)
Nepenthes alata F.M. Blanco (1837)
Nepenthes albomarginata T.Lobb ex J.Lindley (1849)
Nepenthes ampullaria W.Jack (1835)
Nepenthes anamensis J.M.Macfarlane (1908)
Nepenthes argentii M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes aristolochioides M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes beccariana J.M.Macfarlane (1908)
Nepenthes bellii K.Kondo (1969)
Nepenthes benstonei C.Clarke (1999)
Nepenthes bicalcarata J.D.Hooker (1873)
Nepenthes bongso P.W.Korthals (1839)
Nepenthes boschiana P.W.Korthals (1839)
Nepenthes burbidgeae J.D.Hooker ex F.Burbidge (1882)
Nepenthes burkei Hort.Veitch ex M.T.Masters (1889)
Nepenthes campanulata S.Kurata (1973)
Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, C.C.Lee & S.McPherson (2006)
Nepenthes clipeata B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes danseri M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes densiflora B.H.Danser (1940)
Nepenthes diatas M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes distillatoria C.Linnaeus (1753)
Nepenthes dubia B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes edwardsiana H.Low & J.D.Hooker (1859)
Nepenthes ephippiata B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes eustachya F.A.W.Miquel (1858)
Nepenthes eymae S.Kurata (1984)
Nepenthes fallax G.M.L.Beck(1895)
Nepenthes flava A.Wistuba, J.Nerz & A.Fleischmann (2007)
Nepenthes fusca B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes glabrata J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton (1984)
Nepenthes glandulifera C.C.Lee (2004)
Nepenthes gracilis P.W.Korthals (1839)
Nepenthes gracillima H.N.Ridley (1908)
Nepenthes gymnamphora C.G.C.Reinwardt ex C.G.D.Nees v.Esenbeck (1824)
Nepenthes hamata J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton (1984)
Nepenthes hirsuta J.D.Hooker (1873)
Nepenthes hispida G.M.L.Beck(1895)
Nepenthes hurrelliana M.Cheek & A.Lamb (2003)
Nepenthes inermis B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes insignis B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes izumiae T.Davis, C.Clarke & R.Tamin (2003)
Nepenthes jacquelineae C.Clarke, T.Davis & R.Tamin (2001)
Nepenthes jamban C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi (2006)
Nepenthes khasiana J.D.Hooker (1873)
Nepenthes klossii H.N.Ridley (1916)
Nepenthes lamii M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes lavicola A.Wistuba & H.Rischer (1996)
Nepenthes lingulata C.C.Lee, Hernawati & P.Akhriadi (2006)
Nepenthes lowii J.D.Hooker (1859)
Nepenthes macfarlanei W.Hemsley (1905)
Nepenthes macrophylla (J.Marabini) M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes macrovulgaris J.R.Turnbull & A.T.Middleton (1988)
Nepenthes madagascariensis J.L.M.Poiret (1797)
Nepenthes mantalingajanensis J.Nerz & A.Wistuba (2007)
Nepenthes mapuluensis J.H.Adam & C.C.Wilcock (1990)
Nepenthes masoalensis R.Schmid-Höllinger (1977)
Nepenthes maxima C.G.C.Reinwardt ex C.G.D.Nees v.Esenbeck (1824)
Nepenthes merrilliana J.M.Macfarlane (1911)
Nepenthes mikei B.Salmon & R.Maulder (1995)
Nepenthes mindanaoensis S.Kurata (2001)
Nepenthes mira M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1998)
Nepenthes mirabilis (J.Loureiro) G.Druce (1916)
Nepenthes muluensis M.Hotta (1966)
Nepenthes murudensis Culham ex M.Jebb & M.Cheek (1997)
Nepenthes neoguineensis J.M.Macfarlane (1911)
Nepenthes northiana J.D.Hooker (1881)
Nepenthes ovata J.Nerz & A.Wistuba (1994)
Nepenthes paniculata B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes papuana B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes pervillei C.L.Blume (1852)
Nepenthes petiolata B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes pilosa B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes platychila C.C.Lee (2002)
Nepenthes rafflesiana W.Jack (1835)
Nepenthes rajah J.D.Hooker (1859)
Nepenthes ramispina H.N.Ridley (1908)
Nepenthes reinwardtiana F.A.W.Miquel (1852)
Nepenthes rhombicaulis S.Kurata (1973)
Nepenthes rigidifolia (C.C.Lee) P.Akhriadi, Hernawati & R.Tamin (2004)
Nepenthes rowaniae F.M.Bailey (1897)
Nepenthes sanguinea J.Lindley (1849)
Nepenthes sibuyanensis J.Nerz (1998)
Nepenthes singalana O.Beccari (1886)
Nepenthes smilesii W.Hemsley (1895)
Nepenthes spathulata B.H.Danser (1935)
Nepenthes spectabilis B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes sumatrana (F.A.W.Miquel) G.M.L.Beck (1895)
Nepenthes talangensis J.Nerz & A.Wistuba (1994)
Nepenthes tenax C.Clarke & R.Kruger (2006)
Nepenthes tentaculata J.D.Hooker (1873)
Nepenthes tenuis J.Nerz & A.Wistuba (1994)
Nepenthes thorelii P.H.Lecomte (1909)
Nepenthes tobaica B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes tomoriana B.H.Danser (1928)
Nepenthes treubiana O.Warburg (1891)
Nepenthes truncata J.M.Macfarlane (1911)
Nepenthes veitchii J.D.Hooker (1859)
Nepenthes ventricosa F.M.Blanco (1837)
Nepenthes vieillardii J.D.Hooker (1873)
Nepenthes villosa J.D.Hooker (1852)
Nepenthes vogelii A.Schuitmann & E.F.Vogel (2002)
Nepenthes xiphioides B.Salmon & R.Maulder (1995)
Nepenthes adrianii Batoro, Wartono, M.Jebb et al. (2006)
Is this a synonym of Nepenthes spathulata?
Nepenthes angasanensis R.Maulder, D.Schubert, B.Salmon & B.Quinn (1999)
Is this a synonym of Nepenthes mikei?
Nepenthes borneesis J.H.Adam & C.C.Wilcock (1989)
Is this a synonym of Nepethes boschiana?
Nepenthes carunculata B.H.Danser (1928)
Is this a synonym of Nepethes bongso?
Nepenthes copelandii E.D.Merrill ex J.M.Macfarlane (1908)
Another type of Nepenthes alata again?
Nepenthes deaniana J.M.Macfarlane (1908)
Another type of Nepenthes merriliana again?
Nepenthes faizaliana J.H.Adam & C.C.Wilcock (1991)
Is this a synonym of Nepethes boschiana?
Nepenthes globosa S.Kurata in schedule. (2006)
Not officially published yet.
Nepenthes junghuhnii sensu J.M.Macfarlane in schedule nomen nudum
Does this species exists?
Nepenthes longifolia J.Nerz & A.Wistuba (1994)
Is this a synonym of Nepenthes beccariana?
Nepenthes mollis B.H.Danser (1928)
Does this species exists?
Nepenthes naquiyuddinii J.H.Adam & A.H.Hafiza (2006)
Skeptical of this...
Nepenthes pectinata B.H.Danser (1928)
Is this a synonym of Nepenthes gymnamphora?
Nepenthes peltata S.Kurata (2008)
Another type of Nepenthes alata again?
Nepenthes philippinensis J.M.Macfarlane (1908)
Another type of Nepenthes alata again?
Nepenthes saranganiensis S.Kurata (2003)
Another type of Nepenthes alata again?
Nepenthes sharifah-hapsahii J.H.Adam & A.H.Hafiza (2007)
Skeptical of this...
Nepenthes stenophylla M.T.Masters (1890)
Is this a synonym of Nepenthes fallax or the other way?
Nepenthes zakriana (J.H.Adam & C.C.Wilcock) J.H.Adam & A.H.Hafiza (2006)
Skeptical of this...
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